Thoughts to Live By
The author is unknown. When I first saw the list, there were ten “thoughts.” I’ve added some of my own.
Most beautiful attire . . . A Smile
Most destructive habit . . . Worry
Greatest joy . . . Giving
Greatest loss . . . Your self-esteem
Most satisfying work . . . Helping others
Ugliest personality trait . . . Selfishness
Most endangered attributes . . . Values and ethics
Three greatest words from a Board member . . . Count on me
Greatest natural resource . . . Our youth
Greatest “shot in the arm” . . . Encouragement
Greatest problem to overcome . . . Fear
Weakest excuse . . . I didn’t have time
Most effective sleeping pill . . . Peace of mind
Most crippling disease . . . Excuses
Most powerful force in life . . . Love
Most incredible computer . . . The brain
Sheer bliss . . . Yes, I’ll make the gift
Worst thing to be without . . . Hope
Deadliest weapon . . . The tongue
Four most power-filled words . . . “I Can Do It”
Greatest asset . . . Faith
Most prized possession . . . Integrity
Most powerful channel of communication . . . Prayer
Most contagious spirit . . . Enthusiasm
Most important thing in life . . . God
Let us know if you have any “thoughts” to add to the list.