Gen Y – What You Need to Know
You will be interested in something I just received from Thomas P. Foley. He’s president of Mount Aloysius College (Pennsylvania).
Tom says there are nine things Generation Y (born 1980 to 2000) won’t pay for. These are: ● Checking ● Long Distance ● Mail ● Music ● Wireless ● Travel Agents ● Books ● News ● and Directory Assistance.
There’s more:
- Fully 95% of all teens (12 to 17) are now online.
- 80% of those online teens are users of social media sites.
- There is a 256% increase in mobile data usage by teens in the U.S. (13 to 17) over the past year.
- 51% check sites more than once a day.
- 40% visit Facebook more than 10 times per day.
- 80% use two or more devices simultaneously while watching TV.
- 59% visit Facebook during class.
They are 80 million strong-– active in your organization, in college, or well on their way into careers.