Bill Sturtevant is the Apostle of Moves Management™. Jerry Panas is the doyen of major gifts. They have combined their know-how and just co-authored an 80-page manual on Moves Management™.
There has never been anything like this ever published before. It’s a step-by-step guide on how to put a Moves Management™ system into a successful operation.
Just read the chapter titles. This will give you an idea of how complete and effective the Manual is:
- The Journey Begins
- How It All Began
- Moves Management™ Defined
- The Strategy Team
- What Makes for a Good Move
- Implementing Moves Management™
- Quality Over Quantity
- Making the Most of Strategy Meetings
- Prioritizing Probable Donors
- Getting Started
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Pitfalls to Avoid
- Get ting Out the Door Post-Gift Stewardship
- A Final Note of Caution
- Recommendations for Making it Successful
- A Checklist for Moving Probable Donors to a Yes
There’s a special section for volunteers (including the CEO) and their involvement. And there’s a very special interview with Dave Dunlop (the early pioneer in Moves Management™).
The Manual provides a fail-safe program on how to get the largest gift possible, in the shortest amount of time, to the greatest joy of the donor. There’s never been anything like it before.
The Manual also now comes with a CD of supplemental materi als.
We do have quantity discounts available for orders of 10 copies or more.
Please call us for further information (800-234-7777).