In the following story, Jerry Panas tells you how he discovered this tome of knowledge from one of the great fundraisers of our field, Si Seymour.
Jerold Panas first met Harold J. Seymour several decades ago during his time as a consultant for Princeton University. Si, as he was known, had published Designs for Fundraising in 1966, a book still highly regarded in the development profession, and was advising Princeton University on a campaign that exceeded its goal and raised $53 million — an astronomical sum at the time.
They became friends and during a visit to Mr. Seymour’s home the elder statesman of fundraising gave Jerold a three-ring binder containing a manuscript for another book.
Several years ago Jerold rediscovered the notebook and decided to publish it, along with his own observations, as The Lost Manuscript: Wit and Wisdom of Si Seymour. “Dear reader, you are now embracing material that is every bit as relevant today as when it was written.,” writes Mr. Panas in his introduction. “You’re in for a wondrous treat.”
He added his own observations after each chapter on pages he calls “Crib Notes.”
Every chapter touches an important function of our work. And if you already know about Si Seymour, you are a roaring fan. This is material never before published.
On my shelf and recommended … on my desk in fact … and often referred to (but known by almost no one; I only stumbled on it because Felicity Panas kindly phoned me one day): The Lost Manuscript – by Si Seymour, with Observations & Comments by Jerold Panas.
Written circa 1955; lost then found; with fulsome recent comments by the great Jerry Panas. Si Seymour is one of North America’s towering pioneers of capital campaigning (yeah, I didn’t know it either).
Maybe 75% of what others and I now preach originated with Si, if you look deep enough. He invented many of today’s fundraising wheels … and those wheels were “born of ancient burns and blisters.” True: I’m crafting a case right now, for a small and blazing NGO.
The Lost Manuscript is open beside my keyboard, heavily highlighted, and easy to keep open (thank you, spiral binding). Full of writing tips.
– Tom Ahern, Donor Comms
Donor-centered cases, DM, newsletters, audits, staff training
“Tom Ahern is possibly the greatest non-profit copywriter on the planet.” – UK guru Richard Radcliffe, May 2021 / “Tom Ahern … is one of the country’s most sought-after creators of fund-raising messages.” – The New York Times, Nov. 2016 / Named one of America’s Top 25 Fundraising Experts, March 2023, by NonprofitFundraising.com