Keys to Effective Listening
- Is the ultimate mark of respect you can pay a person.
- Puts the other person in the spotlight.
- Is the heart and soul of engaging a person.
- Makes you an outstanding conversationalist.
- Allows the other person to gain ownership.
- Demonstrates your thoughtfulness.
- Is the basis for a true partnership.
- Is a skill that can be learned.
- Turns an objection into advocacy.
- Provides giving clues.
- Is the springboard to securing the gift.
- Is the key to renewing the gift.
- Helps you learn something new.
- Can turn a negative into a positive reaction.
- Enables you to develop a strategy
- Is the most important element in being empathetic.
- Ensures your success.
Listen with your entire being. Listen with your eyes. Listen as if you are hard of hearing.