Make It Urgent
In 2001, even before September 11, the Red Cross was raising over $9 million online in regular contributions. This compares to only $172,000 several years before.
That’s a good indication of the growth of online giving. But that’s only the beginning. When Katrina hit, they raised over $100 million online. There were over 100 7-figure gifts. Online!
As far as a crisis is concerned, Red Cross officials learned that their donors like being able to contribute immediately after a disaster strikes. For that reason, Red Cross devotes resources to making certain that their web page is frequently updated with breaking news.
They find that it is just as effective for raising current funds that aren’t disaster-related. You will also.
Update your website frequently with news about how you are providing service that saves lives and changes lives. Don’t write about the needs of your institution. It’s not about you. It’s about those you serve.
If you don’t change your site regularly, why would a person bother checking your website?