Unlocking the Heart and Spirit
Ken Walker was among our earliest team of writers. He taught us how to write Case Statements.
But he prepares his Case Statements in an unusual way. He begins by writing the opening page. It sparks the reader’s interest, motivates a desire to be part of a noble cause, and touches the institution’s pulse.
He writes that opening page with spark and excitement. Like a flag unfurled in high wind. It forces you to read further.
Now, after writing the opening page, he gives the Case a title. He uses it throughout the document. It is the melody you sing throughout.
The title should pique the reader’s curiosity. You want to say to the reader, “Let me take you by the hand. There’s something very special going on here. Come with me.”
Then he goes from the opening page to the final page. He solemnizes the marriage of potential and opportunity. It is a grand closure, a summation that elicits an energetic agreement based on specific realities and the highest assured principles. It is the benediction of the Case and the cause.
I have a different pattern I use. In my book, Making a Case Your Donors Will Love, I describe the six areas I want covered. And the order in which I want them.
However you decide to prepare yours, if a Case is properly written, it unlocks the heart and spirit of the reader. (If you would like a copy of the book visit our website.