Robin Cabral’s 11 Questions
Robin Cabral, CFRE, is the very effective Director of Development at Holy Cross Family Ministries. I’ll tell you in a moment what she has done which I feel is extremely effective.
If you have heard me on the subject, you know that I feel strongly that before you go into a meeting, you think of the power questions you are going to want to ask. It doesn’t matter if this is a discovery meeting, a request for a gift, or stewardship— you think in advance of the questions.
Back to Robin. She has come up with a list of 11 questions from time to time she uses with the people she calls on. Obviously, she doesn’t use all of them. She decides in advance which questions might be the most relevant and revealing. But, depending on the situation, she is able to throw in another question or two from her jewel box of questions.
Download the list here. See what works for you. Add, delete, or tweak the questions that you might wish to add to your repertoire.
Don’t go into a meeting without thinking in advance the kinds of questions you might ask that will expose the heart, spirit, and soul of the person you are calling on.