Long Tenure in a Position Pays Off
The great fundraisers I interviewed and all those I know who are successful— do not jump from job to job. They stay at their institution.
Question: How long do they stay?
Answer: As long as it takes.
Question: And how long is that?
Answer: Sufficient time to conceive the bold dreams, develop the plans, know their constituencies, and achieve their objectives.
Some say that if you are in a job too long, you get into a rut. But these “rutters” are very likely falling into place very early in their work. And never escape. I’ve known some who have been in the field for twenty years . . . and have had twenty times their first year’s experience.
For you, the challenge, the excitement, the adventure continues no matter how long you are at the institution.
You can’t sell a vision in one visit. Sometimes you have to marry the girl. That means staying at an institution long enough that you build a relationship.
You gain trust. You win the heart and spirit. The donor must have confidence in the messenger. You build that over time.