How to Assess Fundraising Counsel
I hate filling out RFPs. I keep thinking- “Why don’t they just hire us!”
Okay, okay. I understand. If you haven’t already worked with us and know first-hand the quality of our work, you will want to send out RFPs.
Recently, I saw a SCORECARD a Medical Center used in rating the consultancies they were interviewing. You can download it here to give you an idea. (We won the engagement, by the way.)
I have a better idea, however.
Recently, I saw a SCORECARD a Medical Center used in rating the consultancies they were interviewing. You can download it here to give you an idea. (We won the engagement, by the way.)
I have a better idea, however.
We developed a four-page instrument called, SELECTING THE RIGHT FUNRAISING COUNSEL. I’ve seen plenty of appraisal sheets. I have never found one as good as ours. Nothing even close. (Well, yes . . . I do show a tiny bias!)
If you would like to see a copy of that, whether you’re thinking of hiring counsel or not— you can download it here. “Selecting the Right Fundraising Counsel“.